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Cooking smarter

Braised Duck Leg

Duck, being a form of poultry, when its taste is described, is inevitably compared to chicken with vague words like "gamey" and "rich" - which may mean little to those who haven't eaten it. The best way to find what duck tastes like is to prepare some!


To serve two people, assuming those people are satisfied by two duck legs each:

  • 4 duck legs

  • fregola pasta 100g

  • mushrooms, white and brown 300g

  • red onion 200g

  • garlic, 2 cloves

  • duck stock 400g

  • white wine 200g

  • tomato paste 25g

  • salt, to taste

  • pepper, to taste

  • spring onion 50g


Clean and peel the onion, garlic, and mushroom, and cut into thin slices.

Place the vegetables together with the fregola, stock, and wine in a baking dish. Season with salt and black pepper.

Wash and pat dry the duck legs. Season the duck with salt and black pepper, and place the mushrooms on it.

Preheat the oven to 180°C top and bottom. Bake covered for 90 minutes, then bake for 60 more minutes uncovered.

Set the oven to 250°C grill and fan and bake for about 5 minutes until golden brown and crispy.

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